D.3.5 - Intelligence processing
Intelligence processing involves converting collected raw data into forms suitable for analysis..
Security category
Confidentiality High
The confidentiality impact level is the effect of unauthorized disclosure of domestic intelligence information on the ability of responsible agencies to develop and manage accurate, comprehensive, and timely domestic intelligence on homeland security topics and other national threats. The consequences of unauthorized disclosure of domestic intelligence information may include loss of the ability and/or authorization to collect information necessary to provide warning or to interdict from major threats (e.g., terrorist threats to critical infrastructures and/or key national assets). Recommended Confidentiality Impact Level: Given the criticality of much domestic intelligence information and the severe or catastrophic consequences to agencies that disclose domestic intelligence information without proper authorization (e.g., Privacy Act provisions, Fourth Amendment issues), the provisional confidentiality impact level recommended for the domestic intelligence information is high.
Integrity High
The integrity impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to detect the modification or destruction of information. Domestic intelligence information is generally associated with other mission-related information (e.g., antiterrorism, firearms and explosive protection, narcotics interdiction). The consequences of unauthorized modification or destruction of domestic intelligence information is determined to a large extent on the missions being supported by the intelligence information and on whether the intelligence information is time-critical. Unauthorized modification or destruction of intelligence information may adversely affect mission operations in a manner that results in unacceptable damage to critical infrastructures, damage to or loss of key national assets, or loss of human life. Recommended Integrity Impact Level: The provisional integrity impact level recommended for domestic intelligence information is high.
Availability High
The availability impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to re-establish access to domestic intelligence information. Generally, missions supported by domestic intelligence information are not reliably tolerant of delays. Significant degradation in mission capability and resultant catastrophic consequences for critical infrastructures, key national assets, and/or human life may result from disruption of access to domestic intelligence information. Recommended Availability Impact Level: The provisional availability impact level recommended for domestic intelligence information is high.