C.2.6.2 - Official information dissemination
Official Information Dissemination includes all efforts to provide official government information to external stakeholders through the use of various types of media, such as video, paper, web, etc.
The recommended security categorization for the official information dissemination information type is as follows:
Security category
Confidentiality Low
The confidentiality impact level is the effect of unauthorized disclosure of official information dissemination information on the ability of responsible agencies to provide official Federal government information to external stakeholders through the use of various communications media. Official information dissemination information is usually in the public domain and poses no confidentiality impact. Recommended Confidentiality Impact Level: The provisional confidentiality impact level recommended for official information dissemination information is low.
Integrity Low
The integrity impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to detect the modification or destruction of information. In general, the adverse effects of unauthorized modification or destruction of official information dissemination information on overall agency mission functions will be limited. Special Factors Affecting Integrity Impact Determination: There is a potential for customer actions taken based on modified or incomplete information. In addition, unauthorized modification or destruction of official information dissemination information may result in distribution of false and misleading information (e.g., modified web pages, electronic mail, video). Such events can adversely affect operations or public confidence in the agency. This can significantly degrade the official information dissemination mission capability. In such cases, a moderate integrity 35 impact may exist. Also, the more serious integrity impacts become increasingly likely as Egovernment initiatives progress. Recommended Integrity Impact Level: The provisional integrity impact level recommended for official information dissemination information is low.
Availability Low
The availability impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to re-establish access to the official information dissemination information. Official information dissemination processes are generally tolerant of limited delays. However, even temporary loss of availability of official information dissemination information is likely to have an adverse effect on public confidence in the agency. In most cases, disruption of access to official information dissemination information can be expected to have only a limited adverse effect on overall agency operations, agency assets, or individuals. Special Factors Affecting Availability Impact Determination: While most cases will result in only limited consequences, repeated outages can have a serious adverse effect on public confidence in the agency. This can significantly degrade the official information dissemination mission capability. In such cases, the availability impact might be moderate. Recommended Availability Impact Level: The provisional availability impact level recommended for official information dissemination information is low.