Information types

Information types are the lowest level in the taxonomy of information types. There are 174 of them. Here they are:

Code Name Impact levels
Confidentiality Integrity Availability
C.2.1.1 Corrective action Low Low Low
C.2.1.2 Program evaluation Low Low Low
C.2.1.3 Program monitoring Low Low Low
C.2.2.1 Policy and guidance development Low Low Low
C.2.2.2 Public comment tracking Low Low Low
C.2.2.3 Regulatory creation Low Low Low
C.2.2.4 Rule publication Low Low Low
C.2.3.1 Budget formulation Low Low Low
C.2.3.2 Capital planning Low Low Low
C.2.3.3 Enterprise architecture Low Low Low
C.2.3.4 Strategic planning Low Low Low
C.2.3.5 Budget execution Low Low Low
C.2.3.6 Workforce planning Low Low Low
C.2.3.7 Management improvement Low Low Low
C.2.3.8 Budget and performance integration Low Low Low
C.2.3.9 Tax and fiscal policy Low Low Low
C.2.4.1 Contingency planning Moderate Moderate Moderate
C.2.4.2 Continuity of operations Moderate Moderate Moderate
C.2.4.3 Service recovery Low Low Low
C.2.5.1 Debt collection Moderate Low Low
C.2.5.2 User fee collection Low Low Moderate
C.2.5.3 Federal asset sales Low Moderate Low
C.2.6.1 Customer services Low Low Low
C.2.6.2 Official information dissemination Low Low Low
C.2.6.3 Product outreach Low Low Low
C.2.6.4 Public relations Low Low Low
C.2.7.1 Legislation tracking Low Low Low
C.2.7.2 Legislation testimony Low Low Low
C.2.7.3 Proposal development Moderate Low Low
C.2.7.4 Congressional liaison operations Moderate Low Low
C.2.8.1 Central fiscal operations Moderate Low Low
C.2.8.2 Legislative functions Low Low Low
C.2.8.3 Executive functions Low Low Low
C.2.8.4 Central property management Low Low Low
C.2.8.5 Central personnel management Low Low Low
C.2.8.6 Taxation management Moderate Moderate Moderate
C.2.8.7 Central records and statistics management Moderate Low Low
C.2.8.8 Income information Moderate Moderate Moderate
C.2.8.9 Personal identity and authentication information Moderate Moderate Moderate
C.2.8.10 Entitlement event information Moderate Moderate Moderate
C.2.8.11 Representative payee information Moderate Moderate Moderate
C.2.8.12 General information Low Low Low
C.3.1.1 Facilities, fleet, and equipment management Low Low Low
C.3.1.2 Help desk services Low Low Low
C.3.1.3 Security management Moderate Moderate Low
C.3.1.4 Travel Low Low Low
C.3.1.5 Workplace policy development and management Low Low Low
C.3.2.1 Assets and liability management Low Low Low
C.3.2.2 Reporting and information Low Moderate Low
C.3.2.3 Funds control Moderate Moderate Low
C.3.2.4 Accounting Low Moderate Low
C.3.2.5 Payments Low Moderate Low
C.3.2.6 Collections and receivables Low Moderate Low
C.3.2.7 Cost accounting / performance measurement Low Moderate Low
C.3.3.1 HR strategy Low Low Low
C.3.3.2 Staff acquisition Low Low Low
C.3.3.3 Organization and position management Low Low Low
C.3.3.4 Compensation management Low Low Low
C.3.3.5 Benefits management Low Low Low
C.3.3.6 Employee performance management Low Low Low
C.3.3.7 Employee relations Low Low Low
C.3.3.8 Labor relations Low Low Low
C.3.3.9 Separation management Low Low Low
C.3.3.10 Human resources development Low Low Low
C.3.4.1 Goods acquisition Low Low Low
C.3.4.2 Inventory control Low Low Low
C.3.4.3 Logistics management Low Low Low
C.3.4.4 Services acquisition Low Low Low
C.3.5.1 System development Low Moderate Low
C.3.5.2 Lifecycle / change management Low Moderate Low
C.3.5.3 System maintenance Low Moderate Low
C.3.5.4 IT infrastructure maintenance Low Low Low
C.3.5.5 Information security Low Moderate Low
C.3.5.6 Record retention Low Low Low
C.3.5.7 Information management Low Moderate Low
C.3.5.8 System and network monitoring Moderate Moderate Low
C.3.5.9 Information sharing Null Null Null
D.2.1 Border and transportation security Moderate Moderate Moderate
D.2.2 Key asset and critical infrastructure protection High High High
D.2.3 Catastrophic defense High High High
D.2.4 Executive functions of the Executive Office of the President (EOP) High Moderate High
D.3.1 Intelligence planning High High High
D.3.2 Intelligence collection High High High
D.3.3 Intelligence analysis and production High High High
D.3.4 Intelligence dissemination High High High
D.3.5 Intelligence processing High High High
D.4.1 Disaster monitoring and prediction Low High High
D.4.2 Disaster preparedness and planning Low Low Low
D.4.3 Disaster repair and restoration Low Low Low
D.4.4 Emergency response Low High High
D.5.1 Foreign affairs High High Moderate
D.5.2 International development and humanitarian aid Moderate Low Low
D.5.3 Global trade High High High
D.6.1 Water resource management Low Low Low
D.6.2 Conservation, marine, and land management Low Low Low
D.6.3 Recreational resource management and tourism Low Low Low
D.6.4 Agricultural innovation and services Low Low Low
D.7.1 Energy supply Low Moderate Moderate
D.7.2 Energy conservation and preparedness Low Low Low
D.7.3 Energy resource management Moderate Low Low
D.7.4 Energy production Low Low Low
D.8.1 Environmental monitoring and forecasting Low Moderate Low
D.8.2 Environmental remediation Moderate Low Low
D.8.3 Pollution prevention and control Low Low Low
D.9.1 Business and industry development Low Low Low
D.9.2 Intellectual property protection Low Low Low
D.9.3 Financial sector oversight Moderate Low Low
D.9.4 Industry sector income stabilization Moderate Low Low
D.10.1 Homeownership promotion Low Low Low
D.10.2 Community and regional development Low Low Low
D.10.3 Social services Low Low Low
D.10.4 Postal services Low Moderate Moderate
D.11.1 Ground transportation Low Low Low
D.11.2 Water transportation Low Low Low
D.11.3 Air transportation Low Low Low
D.11.4 Space operations Low High High
D.12.1 Elementary, secondary, and vocational education Low Low Low
D.12.2 Higher education Low Low Low
D.12.3 Cultural and historic preservation Low Low Low
D.12.4 Cultural and historic exhibition Low Low Low
D.13.1 Training and employment Low Low Low
D.13.2 Labor rights management Low Low Low
D.13.3 Worker safety Low Low Low
D.14.1 Access to care Low Moderate Low
D.14.2 Population health management and consumer safety Low Moderate Low
D.14.3 Health care administration Low Moderate Low
D.14.4 Health care delivery services Low High Low
D.14.5 Health care research and practitioner education Low Moderate Low
D.15.1 General retirement and disability Moderate Moderate Moderate
D.15.2 Unemployment compensation Low Low Low
D.15.3 Housing assistance Low Low Low
D.15.4 Food and nutrition assistance Low Low Low
D.15.5 Survivor compensation Low Low Low
D.16.1 Criminal apprehension Low Low Moderate
D.16.2 Criminal investigation and surveillance Moderate Moderate Moderate
D.16.3 Citizen protection Moderate Moderate Moderate
D.16.4 Leadership protection Moderate Low Low
D.16.5 Property protection Low Low Low
D.16.6 Substance control Moderate Moderate Moderate
D.16.7 Crime prevention Low Low Low
D.16.8 Trade law enforcement Moderate Moderate Moderate
D.17.1 Judicial hearings Moderate Low Low
D.17.2 Legal defense Moderate High Low
D.17.3 Legal investigation Moderate Moderate Moderate
D.17.4 Legal prosecution and litigation Low Moderate Low
D.17.5 Resolution facilitation Moderate Low Low
D.18.1 Criminal incarceration Low Moderate Low
D.18.2 Criminal rehabilitation Low Low Low
D.19.1 Scientific and technological research and innovation Low Moderate Low
D.19.2 Space exploration and innovation Low Moderate Low
D.20.1 Research and development Low Moderate Low
D.20.2 General purpose data and statistics Low Low Low
D.20.3 Advising and consulting Low Low Low
D.20.4 Knowledge dissemination Low Low Low
D.21.1 Inspections and auditing Moderate Moderate Low
D.21.2 Standards setting / reporting guideline development Low Low Low
D.21.3 Permits and licensing Low Low Low
D.22.1 Manufacturing Low Low Low
D.22.2 Construction Low Low Low
D.22.3 Public resources, facility, and infrastructure management Low Low Low
D.22.4 Information infrastructure management Low Low Low
D.23.1 Federal grants (non-state) Low Low Low
D.23.2 Direct transfers to individuals Low Low Low
D.23.3 Subsidies Low Low Low
D.23.4 Tax credits Moderate Low Low
D.24.1 Direct loans Low Low Low
D.24.2 Loan guarantees Low Low Low
D.24.3 General insurance Low Low Low
D.25.1 Formula grants Low Low Low
D.25.2 Project / competitive grants Low Low Low
D.25.3 Earmarked grants Low Low Low
D.25.4 State loans Low Low Low
D.26.1 Military operations Null Null Null
D.26.2 Civilian operations Null Null Null