D.16.5 - Property protection
Property protection entails all activities performed to ensure the security of civilian and government property.
The recommended provisional categorization of the property protection information type follows:
Security category
Confidentiality Low
The confidentiality impact level is the effect of unauthorized disclosure of property protection information on the ability of responsible agencies to ensure the security of civilian and government property. The consequences of unauthorized disclosure of property protection information are generally dependent on the nature of the property being protected. Where the property being protected is neither critical to agency operations nor of such value that its loss would degrade mission capability or place the agency at a significant disadvantage, unauthorized disclosure would have a limited adverse effect. Special Factors Affecting Confidentiality Impact Determination: Where critical infrastructure facilities or key national assets are being protected, the consequences of unauthorized disclosure of property protection information might reveal vulnerabilities in protection measures to terrorists or other adversaries. Where unauthorized disclosure of property protection information associated with critical infrastructures, large groups of people, or key national assets is expected to be of direct use to terrorists, the confidentiality impact level is high. Most protected facilities are not part of national security, the critical infrastructure, or key national asset categories. If unauthorized disclosure of property protection information resulted in damage to these facilities, serious adverse effects on agency operations and assets could reasonably be expected to result. This can result in assignment of a moderate or high impact level to such information. Where the property being protected involves classified information, the property protection information itself might be classified. Some examples include command and control and other military facilities, foreign intelligence collection or processing facilities, weapons or weapons facilities, and cryptographic activities. National security information is outside the scope of this guideline. Recommended Confidentiality Impact Level: The provisional confidentiality impact level recommended for property protection information is low.
Integrity Low
The integrity impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to detect the modification or destruction of information. The consequences of unauthorized modification or destruction of property protection information depends on the type of property being protected and on the immediacy with which the information is expected to be used. In most cases, unauthorized disclosure can be expected to have limited adverse consequences. Special Factors Affecting Integrity Impact Determination: Unauthorized modification or destruction of information affecting external communications (e.g., web pages, electronic mail) may adversely affect operations or public confidence in the agency. However, the potential damage to the protection mission will usually be of greater concern. If the modified or destroyed information is tactical i.e., time-critical, there is a greater potential for actions being taken based on incomplete or false information. This can have serious adverse effects on protection operation. This can result in assignment of a moderate impact level to such information. . Recommended Integrity Impact Level: The provisional integrity impact level recommended for most property protection information is low.
Availability Low
The availability impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to re-establish access to property protection information. Missions supported by property protection information are not typically tolerant of delays, but the consequences of loss of availability of most property protection information are limited. Special Factors Affecting Availability Impact Determination: The consequences of inability of guard forces and other emergency responders to receive property protection information in a timely manner may result in catastrophic consequences for properties that could include critical infrastructures and key national assets. In general, the availability impact level assigned to property protection information is dependent on what is being protected. This can result in assignment of a moderate or high impact level to such information. Recommended Availability Impact Level: The provisional availability impact recommended for most property protection information is low.