C.2.7.4 - Congressional liaison operations
Congressional Liaison Operations involves all activities associated with supporting the formal relationship between a Federal Agency and the U.S.
Congress. Subject to exception conditions described below, the recommended security categorization for the Congressional liaison information type is as follows:
Security category
Confidentiality Moderate
The confidentiality impact level is the effect of unauthorized disclosure of Congressional liaison information on the ability of responsible agencies to support their formal relationships with U.S. 41 Congress. The effects of loss of confidentiality of information associated with Congressional liaison can facilitate attempts by competing interests to influence and/or impede a specific legislative process or poison inter-branch relations. The consequences to agency programs and even of the ability of an agency to perform its mission can be very serious. Premature public release of information associated with Congressional liaison before internal coordination and review has been conducted can result in unnecessary criticism of the preliminary data or positions, and even damage public confidence in the agency. These consequences are particularly likely where the release includes unedited internal commentary and discussion. In general, unauthorized disclosure of much Congressional liaison information is likely to result in serious harm to agency assets and/or operations. If the Congressional liaison information is moved to the public domain, the confidentiality impact level becomes Not Applicable (NA). Special Factors Affecting Confidentiality Impact Determination: Some Congressional liaison information used by Federal agencies (e.g., homeland security, law enforcement, defense, intelligence community) is very sensitive or even classified national security information. National security information is outside the scope of this guideline. The sensitivity level associated with the very sensitive information is high. Recommended Confidentiality Impact Level: The provisional confidentiality impact level recommended for Congressional liaison information is moderate.
Integrity Low
The integrity impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to detect the modification or destruction of information. Recommended Integrity Impact Level: The provisional integrity impact level recommended for Congressional liaison information is low.
Availability Low
The availability impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to re-establish access to the Congressional liaison information. Congressional liaison processes are usually tolerant of delays. Special Factors Affecting Availability Impact Determination: Excessive recovery delays can result in damage to agency reputation and to interests associated with specific legislation. This can result in assignment of a moderate impact level to such information. Recommended Availability Impact Level: The provisional availability impact level recommended for Congressional liaison information is low.