D.19.1 - Scientific and technological research and innovation
Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation includes all federal activities whose goal is the creation of new scientific and/or technological knowledge as a goal in itself, without a specific link to the other mission areas or information types identified in the BRM.
Most sensitive information is developed under research and development programs that directly support another of the mission areas described in this Appendix and are not included here. Some information associated with scientific and technical research and innovation is national security information and is outside the scope of this guideline. The recommended provisional categorization for the scientific and technical research and innovation information type follows:
Security category
Confidentiality Low
The confidentiality impact level is the effect of unauthorized disclosure of scientific and technical research and innovation information on the ability of responsible agencies to create new scientific and/or technological knowledge as a goal in itself, without a specific link to other program areas or information types. Many scientific and technical research and innovation activities are conducted in association with public institutions of higher learning, and the findings resulting from those activities are intended for publication. Special Factors Affecting Confidentiality Impact Determination: The pre-publication disclosure or other unauthorized disclosure of information associated with competition for funding and recognition (e.g., grants, development contract, patent rights, and copyrights) can have a serious adverse effect on agency operations, agency assets, or individuals. In such cases, the confidentiality impact level associated for scientific and technical research and innovation information will be moderate. In some cases, the information associated with scientific and technical research and innovation is classified or otherwise qualified as national security information. Such information is outside the scope of this guideline. Recommended Confidentiality Impact Level: The provisional confidentiality impact level recommended for most scientific and technical research and innovation information is low.
Integrity Moderate
The integrity impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to detect the modification or destruction of information. The consequences of unauthorized modification or destruction of most information associated with scientific and technical research and innovation can be seriously disruptive to the progress of research activities. The effects on future funding can be quite serious and can have a serious adverse effect on agency operations, agency assets, or individuals. Unauthorized modification or destruction of information affecting external communications (e.g., web pages, electronic mail) may adversely affect operations and/or public confidence in the agency, but the damage to the mission would usually be more limited. Recommended Integrity Impact Level: The provisional integrity impact level recommended for scientific and technical research and innovation information is moderate.
Availability Low
The availability impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to re-establish access to scientific and technical research and innovation information. Most research processes are tolerant of delay. In most cases, disruption of access to research and innovation information can be expected to have only a limited adverse effect on government operations, agency assets, or individuals. Recommended Availability Impact Level: The provisional availability impact level recommended for scientific and technical research and innovation information is low.