D.25.2 - Project / competitive grants
Project/Competitive Grants involves the funding, for fixed or known periods, of projects.
Project/Competitive grants can include fellowships, scholarships, research grants, training grants, traineeships, experimental and demonstration grants, evaluation grants, planning grants, technical assistance grants, survey grants, and construction grants. The general recommended security categorization for the project/competitive grants information type is as follows:
Security category
Confidentiality Low
The confidentiality impact level is the effect of unauthorized disclosure of project/competitive grants information on the ability of responsible agencies to award fellowships, scholarships, research grants, training grants, traineeships, experimental and demonstration grants, evaluation grants, planning grants, technical assistance grants, survey grants, and/or construction grants. In most cases, unauthorized disclosure of project/competitive grants information will have only a limited adverse effect on agency operations, assets, or individuals. Special Factors Affecting Confidentiality Impact Determination: In some cases, project/competitive grants information may be sensitive with moderate to high impact. In a few cases, details of programs for which grants are awarded may be classified and outside the scope of this guideline. In a few cases, records associated with the grants may include information subject to privacy restrictions (e.g., the Privacy Act of 1974). (The Privacy Act Information provisional impact levels are documented in the Personal Identity and Authentication information type.) In many cases, premature and unauthorized disclosure can affect the integrity of the grants process, giving an unfair competitive advantage to one or more applicants. In such cases, punitive consequences and/or loss of public confidence can have a seriously disruptive effect on an agency's operations and mission. In such cases, the confidentiality impact level would be moderate. Recommended Confidentiality Impact Level: The provisional confidentiality impact level recommended for most project/competitive grants information is low.
Integrity Low
The integrity impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to detect the modification or destruction of information. Project/competitive grants activities are not generally time-critical. In most cases, the adverse effects of unauthorized modification or destruction of project/competitive grants information on agency mission functions or public confidence in the agency will be limited. Recommended Integrity Impact Level: The provisional integrity impact level recommended for project/competitive grants information is low.
Availability Low
The availability impact level is based on the specific mission and the data supporting that mission, not on the time required to re-establish access to project/competitive grants information. Project/competitive grants processes are generally tolerant of delay. In most cases, disruption of access to project/competitive grants information can be expected to have only a limited adverse effect on agency operations, agency assets, or individuals. Recommended Availability Impact Level: The provisional availability impact level recommended for project/competitive grants information is low.